Friday, November 9th – Morning Pre-conference Workshops: 8:30 – 11:45 AM
001: The Church’s Role in Healing Trauma from Natural and Man-made Disasters
Michele Louviere, M.Div.
002: Father Wounds: Basic Warrior Training
Roy Smith, Ph.D.
003: Restoring the Shattered Self: Treatment of Complex Trauma
Heather Gingrich, Ph.D. and Fred Gingrich, D.Min.
004: When War Comes Home: Ministry to Military Families
David Mikkelson, Ph.D. and Suzanne Mikkelson, Ph.D.
005: The Busy Epidemic: Managing Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout
Eric Scalise, Ph.D.
006: When the Loss Isn’t Death
H. Norman Wright M.A., D.Min.
Friday, November 9th – Afternoon Pre-conference Workshops: 1:30 – 4:45 PM
010: Today’s Youth Suicide Epidemic: A Look Inside the Mind of Today’s Children and Teens
Kevin Ellers, D.Min.
011: Trauma, the Brain, and Recovery
Barry Lord, Psy.D.
012: The Aging Brain and Dementia Prevention
Tim Jennings, M.D.
013: Take Your Life Back
Steve Arterburn, M.Ed.
014: Building the Emotional and Spiritual Strength of Younger and Older Women: A Model that Works
Joneal Kirby, Ph.D.
015: Smart Love: How Improving Emotional Intelligence Will Transform Marriages
David Stoop, Ph.D.
016: Why Am I Losing It? When Yesterday’s Trauma Takes Over Today
Laurel Shaler, Ph.D.
017: Living with Chronic Pain: What Works?
Linda Mintle, Ph.D.